Ok so...
In the beginning of civilization
art was seen as a form of magic.
Artists were seen as shamans and priests and shit.
Cavemen looked at paintings of animals and hunters, and threw spears at them for good luck.
And the shamans took some hallucogenic drugs, and they asked the paintings for advice.
In the 13th century Mongol empire, artists, priests, mullahs, shamans and philosophers did not have to pay taxes.
And if the Mongol soldiers were on the go again, slaughtering and plundering an unprepared land, they spared the artists, the priests, philosophers etc.
But what's an artist now?
Everyone's a fucking artist.
You know why?
Because that's political correct,
and because everyone thinks he's a goddamn intellectual these days.
Morons think they are smart because bigger morons make them look smart.
And when confronted with an intellectual, the moron fears his original mind, and his legion of bigger morons verbally attacks the intellectual.
On the internet you can find your own group of morons, so you can be their fucking king.
Wether you believe that psychiatrists caused the holocaust or that reptoid jews killed princess Diana, you can find someone who thinks just like you, and happily live in your small paradigm forever.
A comfortable yet miniscule paradigm, in which you're an intellectual, a creative wise philosopher, who talks to anime characters in his dreams and had oral sex with sonic the hedgehog.
But let's get back to art.
Everything is art, and saying that something isn't art is elitist and close minded.
Art is everything, art is nothing, art lost it's meaning.
Since when you ask?
Maybe when this jerk drew a gigantic black square and called it the ultimate form of cubism,
or when that viennish actionist cunt pissed in a bus and went to jail for it.
Viennish Actionism, yes.
Rudolf Schwarzkogler killed himself by jumping out of a window, but the myth was born that he died by slicing off his own dick.
Nontheless, he became a martyr for talentless shitheads who want to be artists.
And then there's conceptual art, which is the art of giving meaning to completely meaningless shit.
Take a picture of a box of matches in a bathtub, and yell that it symbolizes MAN'S VULNERABILITY WITHIN CONTEMPORARY SOCIETY
If you do so, a magical fat guy will crash through your fucking ceiling, and give you 5 million dollars.
Brilliant idea actually, asking an assload of money for complete garbage.
There are plenty of rich people with the intellect of a dead animal, so it's worth a try.
so all I'd like to say that the time of artists and philosophers is gone.
this is the era of the whiney bitches and the antfuckers
pleasantly introduced by the destruction of the twin towers.
The planes crashing into the towers wasnt the real disaster, the flood of whineyness it caused is the real disaster.
So well.. this might seem like a whole lot of shitty text about nothing,
all the wisest things have been said in a hand full of words,
and not a fucking diarreha of letters
but all I'm trying to say
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