I got exams next week
the only things I really need to learn for are history and economics
history would've been easy if it was about the mongol empire, Tenochitlan, Mesopotamia or anything else that is interesting but NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
it's about Indonesia.
and some wars (Napoleon, the Crimean War, French-German war and the WWI) which could've been interesting if it wasn't made so boring
Next year I only have to do French and social studies or social science or whatever that's called in English
so... I need to find something to do for next year.
It's a shame that animation academy isn't part time and quite far away.
So I'll have to go there the year after next year.
maybe I should get a job or join a course or something to kill time
but after fucking up as a paperboy I kind of got a job-o-phobia
i could join a painting course because I really should get better at that