i got a bee sting once on my toe. It was very painful but you have to admit that it is SOMEWHAT satisfying to know that the bastard diededed and youre still alive.. but with a fat infected toe.
Age 35, Male
Joined on 4/16/06
i got a bee sting once on my toe. It was very painful but you have to admit that it is SOMEWHAT satisfying to know that the bastard diededed and youre still alive.. but with a fat infected toe.
and when the wasps think their queen is incompetent, they talk shit behind her back by tasting each other's saliva (IM NOT FUCKING SHITTING YOU WASPS CAN COMMUNICATE BY TASTING EACH OTHER'S SALIVA IT IS FUCKING BADASS) and then some wasps flyyyy awaaaaayyy and another wasp gets to be queen.
I unbanned Zekey but I won't re-ban him unless he apologizes.
zekey already gave his account away
I fucking love terrorists.
they're nic people!
I discovered a group Unwound. They made an album called Leaves Turn Inside You. You should listen to it. It's fuck.
he will be missed i guess or maybe like every great piece that has fallen from the giant rusting skyscraper that is ng he will be forgotten in a month idk but :(
yeh... well he said hes most likely gonna put polyeptide somewher else ):
Tom Fulp you went against a dying man's wish! How could you?!
i once saw sun flower seeds glued to poster board for a senior thesis art project
it is teh ghey
wow that was hilarious
and zekey will be back. If zekey was a 16 year old madness creator he'd probably leave for good but with the talent he has he can't just leave. CAN HE :O!?!??!?!
looking forward to whatever you make next. And what kind of game are you making for power of three?
That box of felt tip pens nailed to a wall has got to be the best artwork in there.
I know, its fucking brilliaant omg
yeah thats what he told me too, probably some film festivals and shit
i think you're confusing wasps with bees. bees die after they sting because they have a hook on their sting so that when they fly away, they rip of their stinger and part of their butt. very few bees survive that. and wasps have no hook on their stinger, so when they sting they just fly away, and maybe sting you again!
That is very shit art.
the rock shitting a huge string of multicolored crap was easily the worst
Whale Jew sucks and so do you.
Age/Gender: 13, Male
Now my conscience is better knowing that the problem is not me when I try to understand what's SO deep about a 6 year-old scribble with an signature of an artist so unknown not even wikipedia has an article about him. Or an cardbox with a red ball inside. Thank you.
That thread is ridiculous.
I cannot stop laughing.
1. I've seen glimpses of your secret flash projects in my dreams.
2. is jesus cooler than the backstreet boys?
3. how can we tolerateinternet terrorism? I mean it has the word TERRORISM in it
and I've heard that terrorism isn't very popular among the christians.
W-P-S (Updated )
1. That means my radioactive brainwaves raped the shit out of your face
2. omfg noone > teh backsteert boyzz XD <3
3. Don't be silly, Christians LOVE terrorism. Don't tell me you forgot about good ol Belfast!